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Deal with the problem, not the label...

Problem Intervention _edited.png

Neuralign Cognitive training provides brain preparation and teaching.  It is the best initial intervention as it  may be the only thing you need

Missed or inappropriate, early teaching

Poor Attention


LENS Neurofeedback


Auditory Stimulation

Visual Balance


Lack of confidence

LENS Neurofeedback

Safe and Sound Protocol

EFT, Psych-K, Hypnosis

Poor listening affects performance

Poor listening and speech


Auditory Stimulation



Safe and Sound Protocol

Poor Visual Procesing affects performance


Irlen Therapy

Poor Visual Processing

​Visual Stress

These interventions...​
  • work directly on the brain

  • work with specific areas of the brain

  • can work across all areas of the brain


Summary of Interventions available through DRS and what they help

Click on the cube near
each intervention

to find out more

Missed or inappropriate early teaching
Processing difficulties

Improvements in Reading with Neuralign

Unique, just  40-55 hours of cognitive training/therapy program of targeted acoustic programming and English language practice for adults and children.


Building attention, listening, speech
reducing fears & moods

LENS  - Low Energy Neurofeedback therapy

Neurofeedback will balance brain functioning and improve all areas required for good reading and attention
A gentle powerful program
for children from age 2, to adults. 

Bellabee for Attention and concentration

Bellabee help reduce anxiety
Home delivery for stress, attention
and concentration

 Visual Stress? Poor Visual Processing

Irlen..a pieace of the reading puzzle
Irlen helps with....
Visual Processing affects a range of life activities

Build Resilience
Manage Moods
Increase Confidence
Increase feelings of Safety

Holistic approaches including Psych-K, EMDR, EFT, HeartMath,
clinical hypnosis 
EFT Tapping to reduce stress
Music to reduce stress and imporve listening
HeartMath Logo

Safe and Sound Protocol

SSP for adults and children
  • Social and emotional difficulties

  • Auditory sensitivities

  • Anxiety and trauma related challenges

  • Inattention



Adults and children improve
listening, speech, spelling, socialisation

Auditory Stimulation

Auditory Stimulation Impovements

Forbrain & Soundsory

Forbrain healps speech and listening
Soundsory helps sensory pocessing
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