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Ready to...?

Build feelings of safety and confidence

Ready to...?


  • change the emotional effects of the past 

  • discover how best to let go

  • confidently develop new techniques and strategies 

  • boost your sense of safety 

  • improve motivation

Ask us.

Safe and Sound Protocol for adults and children

You can develop a sense of safety with music....

The Safe and Sound Protocol for all ages

IMAGINE a non-invasive intervention which involves listening to music that has been processed specifically to

  • retune the nervous system (regulating state)

  •  introduce a sense of safety

  • develop the ability to socially engage

  • better understand human speech,

  • better interpret the emotional meaning of language.


The SSP,  a minimum of  five-day to several months intervention is designed to reduce stress and auditory sensitivity while enhancing social engagement and resilience.


This is research-based therapy showing significant results in just five days in the following areas:

  • Social and emotional difficulties

  • Auditory sensitivities

  • Anxiety and trauma related challenges

  • Inattention

  • Stressors that impact social engagement


Building a safe place

Developed by Dr Stephen Porges, from his Polyvagal theory,  you as a parent, you just need  a safe place for your child and engage their "social engagement" system - smiling, providing positive feedback, and listening to them are all ways to help support their nervous system as they listen to filtered music throughout the program

As an adult you can do these for yourself or with your child to increase calm:  visualise, breathe, move and hum, before, after and while you are listening.

You can increase feelings of Safety and  Confidence with: EFT, EMDR, Psych K, Hypnosis, SSP, CBT

There are many ways which help, and can suit you to: 


EFT tapping to reduce stress
  • Reduce stress related to learning and reading, and putting yourself forward


  • Learn to feel safe after possibly years of feeling frustrated, undervalued or misunderstood.


  • Improve motivation and confidence to make reaching goals easier


Special music to reduce stress

You can build resilience among other things with:

Heart Math


For more than 25 years, HeartMath Institute has been researching the heart-brain connection and learning how the heart influences our perceptions, emotions, intuition, health and therfore learning.


HeartMath helps you tap into the power and intelligence of your heart – your heart’s intuition – which awakens you to the best version of yourself.


HeartMath Institute’s research demonstrates that different patterns of heart activity have different effects on your thoughts and behaviours.


Studies conducted with over 11,500* people have shown improvements in mental & emotional well-being in just 6-9 weeks using HeartMath training and technology.


24% improvement in the ability to focus

30% improvement in sleep

38% improvement in calmness

46% drop in anxiety

48% drop in fatigue

56% drop in depression


Contact to book a no obligation 20-minute call to see what we can achieve together....


Mt Barker SA,   Hindmarsh SA,   Telehealth


Private Health,  MHCP,  NDIS,  EAP,  Work Health

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