Let your heart and brain do the changing for you
Here are some "warning signs" of Dyslexia. See the overlap in difficulties and why you need to deal with more than reading skills.
Not everyone shows all of them... but useful to check out those you notice
and how they can affect life, not just reading.
Pre-School "Warning Signs" of Dyslexia
Lots of ear infections​
Did not crawl much
Spoke late or difficulty with speech, alphabet, words, nursery rhymes, songs, rhythm clear sounds
Difficulty listening, sitting still, following more than one instruction
Easily distracted by noise or movement
Looks at pictures in stories but looks away if you are pointing out words letters or words​
Enjoys you reading aloud, but does not attempt to read​
Confuses left/right, up/down​
Difficulty with sequencing, alphabet, numbers, tying shoelaces​
Mixes up long words (sequences of syllables)​
Substitutes words e.g. "home" for "house"​
Often (but not always) good socially ​
History of dyslexia/reading difficulties in the family
Primary School "Warning Signs" of Dyslexia
Slow, hard to read handwriting
Reverses letter and numbers
Slow, choppy, inaccurate reading/ poor comprehension
Guesses words, skips or misreads words
Can't sound out new words, can't remember words
Problems copying from the board, taking notes
Feels sick thinking about going to school
High School "Warning Signs" of Dyslexia
​Previous list +
poor vocabulary, poor written work
verbal skills better than written skills
poor grades
wants to leave school
may be labelled inattentive/lazy
"Warning Signs" of Dyslexia in Adults
Previous list +
Slow reader/ poor speller
Needs to re-read to understand
Trouble writing memos, letters or filling forms
Poor awareness of surroundings
Becomes anxious about reading

"Warning Signs" of Visual Perceptual Difficulties
Receiving information
words may move of appear to lift from the page
can't pay attention "distractability"
over-sensitivity to lighting
misinterprets what is written
confuses similar looking words
relies on memory, so can confuse order of things
needs more repetition
slow hesitant reading aloud -
misreads, skips or re-reads words and lines
writing uphill or downhill
unequal spacing when writing
errors in copying
spells the same word differently
misaligned numbers in columns
confuses word sequences
leaves out words or parts of words
reverses some letters

Behaviour & Motor Skills
problems with balance
difficulty judging distances
poor depth perception
problems using escalators and stairs
“hyperactivity” or hypoactivity
avoids bright environments - ​overactive
fidgety, clumsy, “uncoordinated”
hard time with organization, structure especially on paper
poor sports skills, difficulty catching and throwing,

"Warning Signs" of difficulties processing spoken language
Receiving information
short attention span
over-sensitivity to sounds
misinterprets questions
confuses similar sounding words
needs more repetition
hard to follow more than one or two instructions

flat monotonous voice
difficulties with speech
poor vocabulary ​​
overuses stereotypes
can’t sing in tune
confuses letters/sounds
has to sound syllables
confuses word sequences in sentences=
poor reading comprehension -
poor reading aloud because needs time to analyse words for speech-sound
poor spelling
Behaviour & Motor Skills
difficulty getting up in the morning
“hyperactivity” or hypoactivity
avoids noisy environments
overactive or withdraws in a noisy environment​​
poor sense of rhythm
hard time with organization, structure
confuses left and right or mixed dominance
poor team sports skills