Let your heart and brain do the changing for you
Synchronising - All the parts working together
Berninger & Richards, Brain Literacy For Educators and Psychologists: 2002 p 109
"the most important brain functions for literacy acquisition (are) - sensory, motor, aural/oral, language, cognition/ memory, and attention/executive control...
Learning depends on these various systems working in a cooperative manner in a functional system"
Learning to read and skilled reading are different!
Beginner readers have to decode and identify each word individually,
Skilled readers have learned to quickly identify visually, the words they learned phonetically. They have automatized all the basic skills needed for reading, and can go directly from what their eyes see, to the meaning.
Struggling readers may have difficulties with visual processing, with decoding or connecting the information between them.
Skilled reading requires synchronisation
All the parts synchronising

-needed for good teaching to be effective
All the parts of the brain need to work together quickly and efficiently like a well-performing orchestra. When they are not integrated, with split-second timing, the brain works "discordantly" and it is harder to read, understand or learn.
Much more effort is required to attempt and complete tasks, and the end results don't always reflect the effort spent.

- gets the parts working together
- has what a good intervention needs
develops/strengthens the neural pathways for reading'
improves connections between the left and right brain
helps automaticity and speeds information retrieval
is phonics based
is structured
make linkages and relationships between auditory and visual stimuli
uses as many senses as possible simultaneously
Kathleen Kelly & Sylvia Phillips, Teaching Literacy to Learners with Dyslexia Sage 2011